How To Pay A Georgia Warrant

If you think you have an outstanding warrant in Georgia, the fastest and easiest way to know for sure is to conduct an online search. Start by typing your name in the search box to the right and you're on your way to finding out the answer in seconds.

Once you find you have a Georgia warrant in your name you will need to address it in order to avoid getting caught up in the Georgia Warrant Roundup. If you have the ticket or warrant in hand you can always visit the local court house or department of motor vehicles in the county where the warrant or ticket was issued. There you can pay any fines in person. Remember to get a receipt and confirmation of payment and proof your name is cleared.

Note: if your warrant is of a more serious nature you risk being arrested on the spot if you go to the court house in person. In this case it's wise to hire a lawyer. A qualified lawyer can post bond on your behalf which takes away the threat of arrest and resolves the warrant situation with the least amount of long-term consequences.

It should be noted that once an arrest warrant is issued there is no statute of limitations. Arrest warrants don't expire which means you can be apprehended or picked up at any time especially when the Georgia Warrant Roundup is being enforced.

Remember, a failure to appear in court will be charged in response to an unanswered warrant and will result in separate issues with the law. Charges against you for failing to appear on your court date will be considered a new Class C misdemeanor.

Things to consider if you decide to pay your traffic tickets

1. Keep in mind that in certain circumstances, you might be able to plea bargain for a lesser fine in court.

2. The state of Georgia has the right to assess points against your driving record, depending on the nature of the violation. This could increase your auto insurance rates or suspend or revoke certain driving privileges depending on the offense.

3. You have the option to contest the ticket. If you can prove your innocence, mistake, or non-involvement the court will likely dismiss your ticket and fines attached to the violation.

4. After paying a ticket you can still end up with a conviction on your record, points on your license, suspension of your license, or an increase in insurance premiums.
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Contact Information

Council of Municipal Court Judges
Administrative Office of the Courts
244 Washington Street, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
(p) 404-656-5171
(f) 404.651-6449

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